Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Special Message To Those Responsible For School Safety

Years ago, our company slogan was developed - Simple Solutions for Serious Situations!  It is the foundation of a series of programs developed to provide enhanced community safety using affordable and efficient technology to protect people, places, and property.

School safety has long been a part of what we do. Our program is based on the idea of giving people who need help the ability to quickly get in touch with those who can provide help.  Our new AlarmAlert system is an example. It starts an alarm notification controller which can be activated by personal call buttons that can be used anywhere on the average school campus. The trick is to get that need for assistance message quickly sent to a person or persons who can quickly respond.

Ideally, every school should have (but often can't afford) a School Resource Officer (SRO).  The next best thing is a nearby off campus police officer and if this isn't practical, a couple of on campus male faculty members equipped with radios, restraining devices, and possibly low cost non-lethal weapons (pepper spray, Tasers, etc.). Regardless of who the first responders may be, they need to be instantly alerted (10 seconds or less) and capable of being on the scene in two minutes or less.  In plain language alarm services and even 911 don't meet the need.

We can take care of the technology with our new AlarmAlert Central Processor  (AACP) which can be activated by personal call buttons (see above) at distances of up to 500 feet.  When activated. the AACP can send a distress message over a VHF or UHF 2-way radio system or optionally to a cell phone with a text message indicating the location of the call button and need for assistance (requires Internet connection).  

The price is right - $1,249 for the AACP and $99 per call button.  In a typical school, we recommend placing a call button in the front office, the principals office, the assistant principals office, the lunchroom, and the outdoor activity area normally starting with the High School and adding middle and elementary schools as budget allows. If you need portable 2-way radios, we have  several models available for as little as $149 each.

The bottom line is that we can help make your schools safer for less than $2,000 per school and do it better and faster than anything else available.  And, there are NO monthly charges. Like to see a demonstration?  Just give us a call at 205.854.2611. We'll be looking forward to your call!