Welcome to our Blog site. Going forward, the following will be our only post for 2017. We've been on the web for a long, long time, but we figured it was time to do something different. You can read all about our 2017 Plan in the post below. In closing, let me share the words of my favorite poet - And they copied, and they copied, but they couldn't copy my mind, so I left them sweating and stealing, a year and a half behind. Rudyard Kipling
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New Interoperable VHF/UHF/800 MHz Radio!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Product - AmbuCam for EMS Vehicles!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New Motorola radios

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

From time to time, we have the privilege of extending some very special offers to those we serve by the manufacturers whose products we represent. One of the very special manufacturers is Midland International, a company with whom we have worked since the company first began operations many years ago.
Midland has become a leading supplier of P25 equipment with some of the most unique products available. The company has enjoyed significant success, in particular in California and Florida. Now they want to develop operations in Alabama and Mississippi. They called us the other day and made a very unusual offer. Here's essentially what they said.......
Burch, we want some system users at the State, County, or Municipal level that will work with us in developing a mutually rewarding relationship. Our offer is simple. You find us some users that are considering a complete P25 radio system with repeater, mobile, and portable equipment. You have complete authority to extend very special pricing in return for assisting us by telling others how the system works for them. We need some satisfied complete system users that we can use for references. In return, these users will receive once in a lifetime prices and YOU are the one responsible for making this all happen.
I am ready to make it happen, and I have the authority to make it happen for those willing to work with me. If you are in Alabama or Mississippi and seriously considering the purchase of any new communications system - analog, MotoTRBO, NXDN, or P25, give me a call at my personal Anytime-Anywhere phone number - 205.202.1269. It's a decision you won't regret - guaranteed! In the meantime, if you would like additional information on P25 communications, please visit www.the-end-of-confusion.com.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A Message to Public Safety Radio Users
Actually, nobody, UNLESS you plan to spend Federal grant money to pay for them! Or, if you want a narrow band capable, interoperable communicator with better operating range, longer battery life, loud and clear audio, plus privacy – THEN you might want to consider purchasing analog/digital capable P25 radios instead of ordinary radios!
If you want the best value in a P25 DHS, FEMA, and SAFECOM compliant radio, you might want to consider the offerings by ICOM. For additional information on P25, we invite you to visit a special web page at www.the-end-of-confusion.com. Our job is to make sure you have the facts. We leave the task of making the decision up to YOU!