Hytera products now available on GSA Contract at incredible savings!
Government users have long
used the GSA contract to save money and expedite the purchase process.
When we say government, we mean federal, state, county, and municipal,
along with first responder organizations - both paid and volunteer. If
you've been looking for top quality products meeting Six Sigma and MIL-SPEC
standards, consider Hytera -
the second largest communications manufacturer in the world!
The pricing is incredible! For example, qualified purchasers can acquire a new DMR digital portable for UNDER $285! The complete Hytera GSA contract is available by clicking here. Prices start on page 18. Comparable discounts are extended on accessories not listed on the GSA Contract. Prices are available by clicking here.

you would like to know more about the Hytera GSA
contract offerings, just give us a call at 800.489.2611. If you would
like to know more about us, and our special capabilities, please visit hytera-alabama.us our special Hytera web
site. Here, you can learn about the complete line of analog radios as well as
the new TETRA system for transportation and utility users. In wireless
communications, the name to know is Hytera from
Falcon Wireless!