The 2010 Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) program for 2010 closed today. We were privileged to assist a number of departments with budgetary information on the newest in wireless products and look forward to being of service to those who are successful in obtaining grants for this calendar year.
FEMA advises that action will be taken on all applications received by the end of this year. As many of our readers know, 2009 applications are still being processed with approvals being announced each Friday (along with turn downs). To those that are turned down, we encourage you to go to http://firegrantsupport.com/content/html/program/turndown.aspx to request a detailed explanation of why your application may not have been approved. This will hopefully keep you from making the same mistake twice!
If you are one of the fortunate ones receiving a grant from the 2009 program, you may be interested to know that (a) you MUST get competitive bids on equipment to be purchased, or (b) you DON'T have to get competitive bids! Does that sound a little confusing? The fact is that both statements are true. Want to know how that is? Go to www.info4u.us/YesNo.pdf for the answer.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Holiday!
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