As Col. G. Jerry Russell, director of the Idaho State Police, recently put it, “Technology without coordination results in inoperability.” There is a LOT of wisdom in this statement. As the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) grant program application period nears the closing date (May 28, 2010), we are receiving numerous requests for pricing. Most of these requests are for pricing on radios, with absolutely no thought as to how new radios interact with the overall task of enhancing safety for those served and for those providing the services.
We encourage our friends in public safety to read a very interesting article on the goals of interoperability and where we are with making our country safe. Suffice it to say that there is a lot of work to be done. Click here for the full article. The bad news is that we have spent a lot of money with little progress in improving our ability to communicate more efficiently. It doesn't have to be that way!
We can help you develop a plan that meets both your immediate and long term goals. We can help you find and get the funding you need. We can help you provide improved safety for your community as well as those involved in providing services to the public. A brief overview of what we do and an example of how we do it is available by clicking here.
Want to put us to work? Just email HelpingYou@falcondirect.com, or call us at 205.854.2611.
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