The response to the aforementioned bid requirement by one of our competitors was to a prospective user in South Alabama. We thought it was worth sharing with you - Service ability: XX Wireless maintains service facilities around Alabama with affiliates in Tennessee (don't know why that would be important to a South Alabama user, but let us continue....). No one can provide service as XX Wireless can. (Wow! That sure leaves the rest of us out in the cold!) If you desire a resume, send us an email and a complete company resume can be sent.
Arrogance, coupled with lack of comprehension = loss of award. Oh, by the way - their terms were 20% with award, 70% on equipment delivery, and 10% if and when they ever got it installed. They are probably still wondering why the prospective customer did not see the value to their proposition!
We think what the prospective customer was really asking, was what's it going to cost me to keep me operational and what kind of downtime might I expect if I have a problem? For what it's worth, we DID answer the question and we were awarded the contract. If you have similar questions, give us a call at 205.854.2611. One thing is true - we cannot provide service as XX Wireless can, and we don't want to! Napoleon said it best.......
Never interfere with the enemy while he is in the process of destroying himself - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)