Twas the weekend before Christmas, and all through the town, business was slowly winding down.
It was a Saturday, wet, cold, and dreary,when I received a call from a mom quite cheery.
Her plight as she explained it to me, was a need for a special gift to be under the tree.
The story as she told it to me, was a need for a radio, for her son, a fireman wannabe,
This young man you see, wanted to give his time, so as a volunteer junior firefighter, he would be fine,
Equipped with a radio, so he could hear all the calls, to make things safer for me and y’all.
His mother, with urgency, came to me, to see if his wish for a radio could ever be.
He’ll get his radio on Christmas day, so he can do his job better in every way.
Junior volunteers giving their time, and mothers like his are making things safer for your family and mine.
I’m glad I was able to have a small part, in making this happen with little effort to impart.
And now you have heard my little story that tells the story of people who get no glory, but give us their time, then have to put up with my poems that don’t rhyme.
I’m probably not the greatest poet who ever lived, but this is my way of saying THANK YOU to the thousands of volunteer firefighters, rescue workers and others who tirelessly give of their time and talents without pay or recognition. THESE are the people that make up the fabric of America. THESE are the ones that made, are making, and will continue to make, the United States of America the greatest nation on the face of this Earth.
Merry Christmas!