In the rated specifications for 2-way radio products, the manufacturers generally reference technology in terms of compliance with FCC, IEEE, Factory Mutual, and MIL-SPEC standards. This is good, since it provides a means of determining basic compliance issues for legal operation (FCC), IEEE (Technical standards), Factory Mutual (the insurance company providing coverage for manufacturers of Intrinsically Safe rated communications equipment), NEMA, for IP codes relating to the sealing against damage from dust and moisture, and Military Specification Standards (in particular 810E and F).
You can check out all the details on these various compliance, regulatory, and technical standards by doing an Internet search, but the subject of interest for today is SAFETY, and in particular, personal safety as it relates to potential health issues relating to RF emission standards.
You won't see much information about Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing for hand held radios, but it is a subject worthy of comment since it is YOUR health that might be of issue. You can check the SAR compliance testing for any FCC approved 2-way radio on the FCC web site. A review of the available data will affirm that some radio products are much safer for use than others.
As an example, we thought you might like to see an actual test report on one of the radios we offer to those we serve. The full report is available by clicking here. Keeping you informed on matters of interest is just one of the things that we do to better serve our customers, and friends, and those that may not yet have chosen Falcon Direct as their supplier of choice. Serving you is what we are all about!