Some thought that applications had to be submitted on the aforementioned dates - Not true. These were the OPENING DATES. There are no closing dates. Applications can be submitted throughout the year with the understanding that those who apply early have the best chance of being approved since the grant is subject to the availability of funds. When the funds are gone - the program is over.
The second misunderstanding deals with ELIGIBLE equipment. Cars, uniforms, and other equipment not listed in the ADECA notification letter will not be given preference. The two top items are mobile data terminals and vehicle cameras according to Tom Goree at ADECA. If in doubt, call Tom. On the subject of vehicle cameras, we have a package system that provides four of our best camera systems with an administrative computer for viewing and archiving data for twenty five thousand dollars. Additional information, along with other electronic items, is available at www.info4u.us/lawgranthelp.pdf.
On the subject of "help", we understand that there are grant writers promising to get ADECA grants on a contingency basis with the condition that they receive approximately 10% of the proceeds after the grant approval and that they have exclusive rights to select equipment and administer the grants. Such practices are frowned upon by federal funding practices. If you are approached with such an offer, be VERY careful before proceeding.
On the subject of mobile data terminals compatible with eCrash and eCite, we presume you are aware of some of the issues relating to the use of a laptop computer for on-scene use. The new iPad introduced by Apple Computer on January 27th appears to be the absolute best solution for law enforcement mobile computing. If you didn't see the announcement, we invite you to review the information at www.apple.com/ipad. This IS the future of mobile/personal computing. Applications for use of the iPad are being reviewed for eCrash and eCite at this time. If you already have a grant submitted for mobile data terminals, call us at 205.854.2611 before purchasing a standard laptop. There may be a better way - a MUCH better way!