A LEGAL dual band reasonably priced compact portable VHF/UHF radio is available for commercial and public safety use! Unlike the illegally modified amateur radios (Click here for details). FCC Part 90 approval copy is available on request. Our new dual band portable covers both the VHF and UHF bands and has all the features and functionality you would normally expect in a top quality portable radio for just $199 including battery, charger, antenna, clip, free shipping and programming of up to 16 channels and 2-tone paging. Click here for complete specifications.
These radios are designed for 5 kHz channel steps which means they may not be suitable for use on narrow band frequencies using 2.5 kHz steps. If you are unfamiliar with frequency steps, we encourage you to check out an article on this subject which is available by clicking here. When you are ready to order, click here to go to our Internet store.
You may be interested to know that we have other solutions for providing dual band capability. We have fixed station units for VHF/UHF as well as VHF or UHF to 700/800 MHz trunking. We can even link these radios via the Internet to your desktop, laptop, Blackberry, Droid, or iPhone! For complete information, just give us a call at 205.854.2611 or drop us an email to sales@falcondirect.com.