Are you being told one thing by one representative and something totally different by another? Is MotoTRBO better than P25, and what in the world is this NXDN thing that the railroads have selected as their choice for narrow band technology? What is Very Narrow Band? Can you purchase a radio today that will meet your needs for the next ten years, and if so, how does the cost compare with what you have been purchasing?
What about FCC licensing? What will that cost and when should you be upgrading your existing license, and what happens if you don't? And what's all this talk about federal grant money? One vendor tells you you can purchase anything you wish by finding a "crack in the door". Another tells you that you have to buy two new repeater base stations to be able to operate analog and digital radios on the same frequency! Can this possibly be true?
Want to know where to get the straight story? We have prepared a FREE Migration Planner that you can download by clicking here, or drop us an email to Narrowbanding4u@falcondirect.com and we'll send it to you without cost or obligation. Do we have all the answers? Probably not, but we've done our best to give you a fair and objective presentation to allow you to make the best possible choice in making YOUR plans for the future!