Monday, June 30, 2014

New Multi-Voice Radio - Full Duplex, Long Range, and No FCC License Required

Within the past week, we have received calls from a fire chief, a football coach, a manufacturer, and a large wrecker operator, all asking for the same thing, hands free, long range, personal communicators with a range of a half mile or more.  

The football coach wanted secure communications (for obvious reasons) and the ability to communicate with up to seven other members of his staff.  He wanted guaranteed assurance that he would not run into interference issues anywhere in the USA and he didn't have time for FCC licensing. Click here for a short video made at the American Football Coaches Association conference last January to learn more about the product known as the Multi-Voice Radio (MVR).

The fire chief wanted the ability to integrate his existing 2-way radios with the wireless hands free intercom system and he wanted assurance that the system could be used in "harsh" environments where soaking water was the rule, rather than the exception. The wrecker operator wanted lots of audio since the noise level on major highways can be be very high.  The manufacturer wanted a special headset that provided full noise protection in one ear but left the other one open to hear local area activities. None of the users wanted an expensive headset requiring frequent replacement or a base station unit required for handling calls between headsets.

For additional information, visit the company web site by clicking here.  For pricing information, or to order with guaranteed satisfaction, click here.  If you would like a demonstration before ordering, just give us a call at 800.489.2611 or email