Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here's Your Next Home Thermostat!

You are looking at the thermostat used as a part of an entirely new concept in home and business energy management and premise protection. We call it SmartStat! (above left, and the SmartMeter to the right). So you may be wondering why is a wireless company interested in thermostats?  Some of our readers may recall an earlier announcement that we are taking a new direction for 2014. We are in the safety and savings business, working with selected partners to make our communities better places to live, work, and play.  We simply use wireless technology to make all this happen.

I won't get into the details at this time, except to say that this thermostat and the associated power utility meter can replace what you have at your home or business when your local power utility decides to offer this service in your area.  What you will pay, and how you will pay will depend on a number of factors.  Suffice to say for now that your power bill will likely be less and you'll get some nice freebies like an AM/FM and DRM radio (we'll tell you more about DRM radio at another time).  For now, let us just say that you won't need a weather radio, or a home security system.  This new SmartStat with associated sensors does it all. It even talks!

You'll be able to remotely control temperature and power cycles for HVAC, pool pumps, and water heaters.  You can be notified by cell phone when there is a problem on your premises; whether equipment failure, unauthorized entry, or just about anything you want reported! 

The reason we are telling you all this is that if you are an electric utility provider, we invite you to call us at 800.489.2611 for additional information.  If you are an electricity consumer, and would like to have this service in your area, contact your local power company and tell them about us! And, if you are an advertiser, get ready for a whole new way of promoting your goods and services on a localized basis with display advertising right on the thermostat.  This advertising can be targeted to a local neighborhood by large or small business at incredibly low cost.  This is just one of the reasons we are changing direction for 2014. Pretty neat don't you think?

And finally, if you would like to get the latest information from us on what's new in the world today, sign up to receive our Blog messages as they are published. Just fill in your email address in the space above the picture of the SmartStat and hit the SUBMIT button at the right. We've got lot's of good things to be telling you!