Thursday, November 20, 2014

Good news for perplexed school principals.......

Sometimes, things just don't work as they should!  A good case in point is communicating with school bus drivers from the school office.  Many school systems have 2-way radios installed in their buses as well as radios in the schools.  That's good!  What's not so good is that the only radio in the school that can talk to buses on the road is the office radio. The portables generally won't talk out from inside the building!

The school office radio is generally connected to an outside antenna. This allows the office staff to talk to buses while transporting students to and from their homes.  The problem is that many situations require involvement by the principal or other administrative staff.  In such times, they have to come to the front office to talk to the bus driver. We are frequently asked "why can't I talk from my walkie talkie?" The answer is you need the power of a desktop radio and an outside antenna.  Walkie talkies are great for communicating inside the building or for bus loading, even on trips; but not for talking from inside the building to buses.

The solution is a plug in device which we call the BlueBox SX (Click here for more information).  You just plug it in to the accessory connector of your existing office radio.  We have models available for most popular brands of radios including Motorola, Kenwood, Icom, etc.  The price is just $695 plus the cost of reprogramming administrative radios with a control channel to access the BlueBox ($38 for the first walkie talkie and $8 for each additional radio). With this inexpensive change, any administrative radio can monitor bus communications from anywhere in the school and talk to bus drivers directly from their office!

Speaking of walkie talkies, we've got a new little walkie talkie built especially for school administrators. This isn't a radio built for construction workers, firemen, or road crews.  This radio is built for school administrators!  We are currently offering a fantastic trade in program for your old radio (Click here for details).  As for the BlueBox, we will be delighted to arrange a demonstration. Just give us a call at 205.854.2611 or drop us an email to