the City of Gadsden Alabama moved into their new Judicial Center, we were there
with them to make sure that it would be one of the safest and most efficient
courtroom complexes in the USA.
have a LOT of clients! Sometimes, they are so numerous that there is no
place to put them all. So when the hallways fill up, the overflow is directed
to move outside. So the question is, how do you let them know when it's
time to appear?
The answer is that you
install a LoudMouth wireless
PA system controlled by judicial staff members equipped with 2-way radios.
Two speakers were provided - one for persons outside set for sufficient
volume to be heard anywhere in the parking area, and another used inside.
It works like a charm and it didn't cost much money!
speaking of 2-way radios, they have another function besides controlling the
wireless PA system. They can also be used for communicating between court
officers AND for reception of emergency calls from wireless call buttons used within the courtrooms, at
the reception area, and the finance office. Life in the courthouse
doesn't have to be complicated or unsafe. All you need is a number to
call for the information you need to make YOUR courtroom safe. That
number is 800.489.2611, where you can talk to the friendly and knowledgeable
folks at Falcon Community Services. Our job is providing simple solutions for serious situations!
Photo courtesy of Memphis Commercial Appeal