Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Have You Been Looking For The Best Personal Radios for Public Safety Users?

We are often asked what our recommendation would be as "the best" personal 2-way radio for public safety users.  To answer that question, we first have to distinguish what type of public safety user is the subject of the question.  Although fire departments, emergency medical services, and law enforcement agencies have some commonalities, there are some differences.

For example, fire departments generally need the capability to be selectively addressed or "paged".  EMS personnel and law enforcement officers generally don't need this feature but all users want the best radio they can get for the lowest cost (both purchase and maintenance cost).  We offers some great solutions for all these users.

Administrative personnel often have a requirement to communicate on both VHF and UHF, sometimes 700/600 MHz and VHF and/or UHF. In many cases, there is a need for compatibility between analog and digital radio systems.  We can do that, and we can do it with affordability!

So where do you find all this great information?  It's easy!  Just click here.  You will be directed to the special offerings for fire department users, but it you look closely, you will find these offerings may be just right for you!  BTW, if narrow banding has caused you some range problems, click here for some possible solutions.

Want to know more?  Text us from your PC at 2054222011@vtext.com, or from you smart phone at 2054222011, by regular email to ServingU@falcondirect.com, or if you prefer to actually talk to somebody, just give us a call at 800.489.2611. You can fax us, or even drop by and see us.  We'll even provide driving directions, and the coffee is always on!