Wednesday, May 9, 2012

VHF and UHF Trunking Update

Most of my readers know that I personally have a real problem with organizations and/or sales representatives that put their sales objectives ahead of taking care of those they have chosen to serve (or dis serve as the case may be).  Case in point - VHF and UHF trunking.

Dealer sales representatives from several of the largest communications suppliers in the USA are out in force to sell DMR, NXDN and P25 trunking on VHF and UHF frequencies. They never bother to mention what the FCC has to say about the use of centralized trunking systems on shared use frequencies.

Although no one has officially admitted any knowledge of FCC Rules violations, interference to other users, or the jeopardy in which they place their customers; there is at least one individual and one magazine that has the guts to stand up and tell the world that there can be consequences for such actions.  I am personally thankful that such people, although rare, still exist. 

To knowingly lead a trusting customer into the pitfalls of VHF or UHF trunking without fully explaining the risks is at the least unconscionable, or at worst criminal.  These same representatives also never mention that they are leading their customer into a sole source relationship which leaves them no option but to pay through the nose for both equipment and service, FOREVER!

When federal grant money is involved, such practices are clearly contrary to the guidelines of the Department of Homeland Security for both interoperability (there is none) and adherence to open standards, not to mention a little issue with violating FCC regulations. Lack of adherence to FCC regulations has postponed use of a large DMR county-wide system in central Alabama and lack of compliant frequencies has indefinitely delayed installation of a multi-million dollar P25 system in an adjoining county.  So much for interoperability.  Incredibly, such systems are still being proposed and considered by prospective customers who base their decisions on emotion and vendor preference rather than facts.

Although not commonly known, there is a way to provide trunking that is based on an open standard that is fully in compliance with DHS, FCC, FEMA, and SAFECOM standards, but my guess is that you'll never hear about it until it is too late.

If you are considering the purchase of a VHF or UHF trunking system, I encourage you read the article available by clicking here.  If you would like additional information, please give me a call personally at 205.854.2611.