Having said that, we should point out that this determination was made after reading the 2010 Guidance (Click here for a copy). While our primary focus is in serving volunteer fire departments with communications equipment and related items, we thought it might be worthwhile to mention that our services are not confined to equipment sales. With an extensive background in technical writing, advertising and public relations, plus grant writing; we may be able to offer useful assistance to those who could use a little help with the current SAFER grant application.
Our services are available in two basic areas. If you plan to apply for a program to RECRUIT new firefighters, you will need a budgetary estimate and an overview of your plan for your narrative. We can provide both requirements as well as provide the actual recruiting materials including print, media, and direct marketing services. You don't have a lot of time - the program closes on September 17, 2010. If we can be of service, please call us at 205.854.2611 or drop us an email to AtYourService@falcondirect.com.