We are delighted to announce that UHF models of the Hytera mobiles, portables, and repeaters are now shipping. More information is available at www.info4u.us/DMR.pdf, but that is not the really big news. The REALLY BIG NEWS is that these radios are compatible with the popular MotoTRBO radios which are based on the DMR operating system. Until now, US users had only one choice. Now there is another choice, and it is a better choice and we GUARANTEE that it is a better choice.
Here's the deal! First, let's talk about features and performance beginning with How far will it talk? We GUARANTEE the new Hytera PD782 portable will talk farther than the MotoTRBO portable. You pick the time and place. You'll see. As to user functionality - just compare the FULL COLOR DISPLAY with MotoTRBO. You'll SEE the difference!
So what did we forget? Price maybe? Actually, true cost of ownership may be the more appropriate consideration. We'll answer the question by asking a question. Which is better? A two year warranty or a FIVE YEAR WARRANTY? If you answered a five year warranty, then your choice has to be the PD782 which would obviously have the lowest cost of ownership. Want to talk about service? We can do that! We've got the fastest, most efficient, least expensive service program available anywhere. We'll tell you about it when we bring our demos. And by the way, if you don't have some MotoTRBO radios available for comparison - don't worry about it. We'll bring them too!
Still got questions about the price? Think we may be evading the issue? Not really - we were just saving the best till last! Our price is 20% lower than your best price on a comparable MotoTRBO portable - THAT'S OUR PRICE!
Ready to put us to the test? Just email Hytera@falcondirect.com or give us a call at 205.854.2611. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you!